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Home Isolation or Hone Qurentine

Once a patient has been tested positive for COVID-19, a medical officer from the District administration may ask them to follow Home Isolation, if the circumstances of the home are suitable.

The health team under the supervision of the medical officer will visit the house with appropriate PPE, stamp the left hand of the patient, and get a certificate signed. They will take a photo of the certificate as a record and place a sticker of home isolation for the affected persons outside the residence.


If you or someone in your house has tested positive for Corona, there is no need to worry or panic. In this difficult moment, you are not alone. We are with you, and together we can help you to return to good health. This is why our doctors are currently advising patients with mild symptoms to home-isolate for 17 days. If your doctor has advised you to self-isolate, kindly follow the instructions given below strictly.

Before starting the process of home-isolation, please follow these critical instructions carefully

A separate well-ventilated room and a separate toilet should be available for Corona patient at your home. If not, please inform your doctor about this, we will make arrangements in “COVID Care Centre” for the patient.
A caregiver/attendant should be available 24×7 for the care of the patient.

If anybody in your house is above 55 years of age, is pregnant or has any severe medical condition like cancer, severe asthma, respiratory disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, renal disease etc please shift them to another house till the patient recovers. In such situations it is not safe to home quarantine a Corona patient in your house, as it can be dangerous for anyone with a serious health condition.

CM Sh. Arvind Kejriwal has appointed a team of health workers and doctors who will call the patient on a daily basis to monitor their health. Please make sure you attend all their calls and give them accurate information about the patient

Instructions for Patients in Home-Isolation

  • Please download the Arogya Setu App on your mobile phone and enable notifications and location tracking on the app at all times.
  • Wear a triple layer medical mask at all times. Discard the mask after 8 hours of use. Kindly replace the mask if it becomes wet or visibly soiled. Before disposing a mask kindly disinfect it with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite solution.
  • 1% sodium hypochlorite solution can easily be made at home using sodium hypochlorite bleach (containing 3.5% chlorine) or bleaching powder (containing 70% chlorine). In order to make 1% sodium hypochlorite solution, mix 1 litre of sodium hypochlorite bleach in 2.5 litre water or 7 gms of bleaching powder in 1 liter of water. The following should be kept in mind while using this solution:
  • Always wear mask and gloves while using this solution.
  • This solution can be used for cleaning of floors or high contact surfaces like switch boards, windows, doorknobs, chairs, dining table, cupboard etc
  • This solution should never be sprayed directly onto the toilet surface. It should be sprayed on a cloth and then used for cleaning the toilet.
  • This solution should not be used to clean metallic surfaces like door handles, security locks etc as it can lead to rusting. Other alcohol-based sanitizer should be used for disinfecting such surfaces.
  • Keep all windows in your room open. Ensure that your room is as well ventilated as possible at all times.
  • Please strictly remain inside your room for the entire duration of your home isolation. By moving around the house and accidentally touching surfaces like doors, windows and tables, you risk infecting other people in your house.

  • Use only the dedicated toilet assigned to you, and if your toilet has a lid, always close the lid before flushing.
  • Take plenty of rest and drink fluids like water, juice, tea, soup etc. to maintain adequate hydration.
  • Eat three healthy low carbohydrate, high protein meals per day consisting of adequate vegetables and fruits. (Kindly refer to the nutrition chart guide.) Always cough or sneeze directly into your mask, handkerchief or into your elbow.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 40 seconds or clean them with an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • Do not share personal items like utensils, towels etc. with the other family members.
  • Frequently clean surfaces in your room like table tops, doorknobs, handles, mobile phones, computers, remotes, etc. that are touched often. Clean them using the 1% hypo-chlorite solution or a suitable sanitizer.
  • Strictly follow medication as prescribed by your doctor. Consult your doctor if you are taking regular medication for any other health condition.
  • Avoid alcohol and quit smoking during the isolation process.

Understand that the process is physical isolation and not emotional isolation

  • Keep in touch with family members, relatives and friends over phone/video call.
  • Catch up on your favourite TV shows, movies, read books, listen to music or play games on your mobile phones and computer.
  • Maintain physical isolation from other family members as described above.
  • Self-monitor your health regularly, especially your body temperature and promptly report if any increase in temperature or if other symptoms appear.

Instruction for Care-giver/Attendants

  • Download the Arogya Setu App on your mobile phone and enable location tracking and notifications on the app at all times.
  • The (attendant/caregiver) should be in good physical health and preferably be between 24 to 50 years of age. It is extremely important that you do not have any existing medical condition such as Diabetes, Heart disease, Asthma, Chronic lung diseases, and are not Immunocompromised, pregnant or suffering from Cancer, Liver disease etc.
  • You should always be in touch with our health workers through our tele consultation facilities.
  • Wear a triple layer medical mask appropriately when in the same room with the patient. The front of the mask should not be touched or handled during use. If the mask gets wet or dirty with secretions, it must be changed immediately. After use, discard the mask by using the appropriate technique – that is, do not touch the front, but instead untie it from behind and wash your hands thoroughly after disposal of the mask. Disinfect the mask before disposing off in closed dustbin.
  • Avoid touching your face, nose or mouth.
  • Ensure hand hygiene after coming in contact with the patient or the patient’s immediate environment. Wash your hands before and after preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet, and whenever your hands look dirty. Use soap and water for washing your hands and wash at least for 40 seconds.
  • Alcohol-based hand rubs or sanitizers can be used, if hands are not visibly soiled.
  • Use of disposable paper towels to dry hands is desirable after using soap and water. If not available, use dedicated clean cloth towels and replace them when they become wet.
  • Always wear your mask, gloves and use a plastic apron while handling the patient directly. The apron should be disinfected using sodium hypochlorite solution.
  • Avoid direct contact with body fluids of the patient, particularly oral or respiratory secretions. Use disposable gloves while handling the patient. Perform hand hygiene before and after removing gloves.
  • Avoid exposure to potentially contaminated items in your immediate environment (e.g. avoid sharing cigarettes, utensils, drinks, used towels or bed linen).
  • Use triple layer medical mask and disposable gloves while cleaning or handling surfaces, clothing or linen used by the patient. Segregate the patient’s clothes, bed linen, bath & hand towels and clean them separately using regular laundry soap and water or machine wash at 60-90 °C (140-194 °F) with common household detergent, and dried thoroughly under the sun.
  • Clean and disinfect patient’s room, bathroom and toilet surfaces at least once daily. Regular household soap or detergent should be used first for cleaning followed by 1% hypo-chlorite solution.
  • Take medicines as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Make sure that the patient follows the prescribed treatment.
  • The caregiver and all close contacts should self-monitor their health with daily temperature monitoring, and report promptly if they develop any symptom suggestive of Corona (fever/cough/difficulty in breathing).
  • From the first day of home-isolation till the day the patient recovers, please try to ensure that nobody leaves the home. You can request your relatives/friends/ neighbours to help you with daily supply of essential items.
  • Please request them to leave these items at your door-step so that you can avoid direct contact. You can also order these items online and request home delivery.
  • Food must be provided to the patient outside their room and left there on a stool or table. Please make sure you don’t come in direct contact with the patient while giving them food, and always use gloves while handling their plates, spoons and utensils.
  • Utensils and dishes used by the patient should be cleaned with soap/detergent and water, while wearing gloves. The utensils and dishes may be re-used. Always wash hands after taking off gloves or handling used items.

Instructions for neighbours of COVID-19 Patients

If there are any Corona patients in your building under Home Isolation, do not worry. You just have to take some precautions so that you can protect yourself and your family from the Coronavirus:

  • Ensure that the common spaces of your building such as lifts or stairs are sanitized twice a day with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution.
  • Pay special attention to the frequently touched spots like hand railings of the stairs and lift buttons etc. Avoid touching them directly.
  • Help the patient until they get cured. If they need any essential items like medicine, ration, vegetables, etc., help them by leaving them outside the door of their house. Avoid exchange of currency until the patient has recovered. Use digital patients as far as possible.
  • If someone in your neighbourhood is in home isolation, keep talking to them on the phone from time to time and boost their morale. Provide all possible help to the patient’s family also.
  • Maintain a proper distance from the patient at all times and make sure that children, elderly and pregnant women in particular, keep distance from the patients.
  • Remember, the fight is against the disease, not the sick. Do not cause any kind of trouble for the patient or their family members.
  • For any assistance, call the Corona Helpline Service of the Delhi Government.

The Delhi government is with you in this fight against Corona. We will beat Corona together


Follow these rules strictly for the safety of yourself and your family.

  • Do health checks every morning and every night or anytime you feel like you might have a fever.
  • Take your temperature with a thermometer. In case of dependent patients, caregivers can monitor the temperature with appropriate PPE. Use a mask and gloves and wash your hands thoroughly before and after checking temperature.
  • Check your pulse rate daily twice for one minute. For checking your pulse, place your index (first finger) and middle fingers on the wrist, at the base of thumb. Using a clock or watch that counts seconds, count how many beats you feel in a minute, or count them over 30 seconds and multiply the number by 2 to calculate number of beats per minute. Maintain a health register/ patient log and write down your body temperature, pulse rate and any other symptoms daily along with time. These readings should be then be shared with the health team who will be calling you daily.
  • If your body temperature exceeds 100°F (37.8°C) or your pulse rate exceeds 100 beats per minute, immediately contact us at 01166765093
  • In addition to fever, be alert for other symptoms (given below) of Corona which could indicate that the patient needs medical attention.
    • Difficulty in breathing,
    • Persistent pain/pressure in the chest
    • Mental confusion
    • Developing bluish discolorations of lips/face

In case of early warning signs or if the symptoms increase, please contact your healthcare worker immediately.

Recovery Process & Testing

Patient advised to home isolate can end their home isolation after 17 days of onset of symptoms and no fever for the last 10 days. After the end of 17 days, the health team assigned to you will officially inform you about the end of your isolation period.

There is no need for testing after the home isolation period is over.

Nutrition Guide



  • Eat whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat flour, oats & millets etc Include beans, lentils & pulses as these are good sources of protein Include fresh fruits & Vegetables (Bright coloured fruits & Vegetables like red capsicum, carrots, beetroot & greens etc) Drink 8-10 Glasses of water and Hydrate yourself. Water helps to flush out toxins.
  • Citrus fruits like lemons & oranges are a good source of Vit C which is key in improving immunity levels & to fight off infections.
  • Include spices like ginger, garlic & turmeric which are natural immunity boosters.
  • Eat home cooked food. Use low-cholesterol oil for cooking food.
  • Wash fruits & Vegetables before use Include Low fat milk & yogurt as they are good sources of protein & calcium.


  • Avoid eating maida, fried & junk food (chips, cookies etc).
  • Avoid sugary or packed juices & carbonated drinks as these are very low in nutrients.
  • Avoid eating cheese, coconut & palm oil. butter as they are unsaturated fats and are unhealthy



  • Store non-vegetarian items separately from fresh products.
  • Include lean animal protein like skinless chicken, fish & egg whites.


  • Avoid mutton, liver, fried & processed meats.
  • Limit Non Veg intake to 2-3 times per week.
  • Limit Intake of whole eggs to once a week.


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